...这不仅是他们自己的救赎,恐怕也是地球本身的救赎。 异人族的起源 异人族原本都是普通人类,但是他们的基因融入了永恒者(Eternals,宇宙天神组Celestials在地球培养的半神超能种族)的基因,由此产生了超能力。
Shadow of the Eternals 永恒的阴影 ; 永恒阴影
The Amazing Eternals 惊奇永生
City of Eternals 永恒之城
The Eternals 表演者
Eternals of Days 永恒日
Blessing of the eternals 地盾和永恒祝福
Eternals Summoner 英灵召唤师
Magic of the Eternals 不朽的魔法
以上来源于: WordNet
Eternals are the divine-like beings of Azeroth and the other planes, who shape the large arcs of history for good and ill.
The tangled web of relationships among the Eternals means that a favor performed for one may be a slight to several others.